--Not Tested On Mobile/Tablet--


You are trying to unlock all the audience members to get the ending.

Add an audience member to the audience by clicking on their picture on the select screen. Remove them by clicking the picture again.

Each audience member has an opinion on which actor will suffer in the afterlife - this is indicated by a tick or cross on the board after the show.

The ticks are added up to indicate whether an actor ‘will not suffer’, ‘will suffer’ or ‘will suffer excessively’.

Try different combinations of audience members to unlock more audience members - hints for this are present on the ‘HINTS’ screen.

Unlock all 4 audience members and have them watch the show to view the ending.

Mouse-click to make the text move faster.

Eye Unlockables: Sometimes you will see a sparkly thing on stage. This is an eye unlockable. Click it to retrieve it.

If an audience member’s eye unlockable has been collected, they can see more in certain scenes. The eye on the back of the chair indicates whether the audience has their eye unlocked and is paying attention in that scene (goes from left to right).

If an audience member has their eye unlocked, and their eye is open they may see another sparkly thing! Click to collect it - this will be another eye unlockable.

Click the Hints button on the select page to get hints for which seats the audience members need to see the next eye unlockable.

Collect all the eye unlockables to unlock the ‘True ending’ (slightly bugged)

My entry for Ludum Dare 47 - completed at around 44 hours in :). This has been completely untested on mobile/tablet, so I would advise playing it in a desktop/laptop browser. Mouse controls only.

As I forgot to have the narrator-dude at the beginning mention this, the game is mouse-control only.

There are probably bugs I haven't found, and I know there's a few issues towards the end. Basically, if you finish the game without all the eye collectables, and then want to continue to collect them after viewing the first ending, you're best deselecting and reselecting all characters. Also, apologies, but you will need to sit through the first ending again after collecting all the eye items to view the bonus ending.

There was a bunch of stuff I wanted to add in - mainly more of a puzzle element by adding different characters with a more varied range of opinion weightings, additional hidden items, and more visual use of the eye collectible mechanic, to alter the appearance of the stage depending on who's eye is open. However, the need to sleep meant this was not to be, and tbh was probably too ambitious for the timeframe anyway.

Also, in scene 3, there was meant to be a prop train on stage - the character/s run backwards in a display of quality acting, to demonstrate the train leaving without them. However, I didn't have time to draw a prop train, so it just looks kind of silly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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